Appointments Available
Same day or next day appointments are available for patients experiencing symptoms that may be COVID-19 related. Our practitioners will perform an examination, provide the appropriate testing and discuss treatment options.
Triage Available
Patients testing positive with At-Home test kits should quarantine for 5 days from the day symptoms began. On DAY 6 if you are fever free and feel better you may return to your activities by wearing an N95 mask through DAY 10.
Patients testing positive with At-Home test kits who are considered high risk due to age, diabetes or other chronic diseases should consider treatment with one of the oral medications available. Our providers require a review of your medical record either with an in-office appointment or if you would prefer we can schedule a telemedicine appointment.
Latest Guidance Available
Family Practice Associates of Chesterfield continues to follow the latest COVID-19 guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).